
CWA October Luncheon

By |September 19th, 2023|

The October luncheon will be held Monday, October 9 at 11:30 in the Clubhouse. The program theme is Security -- Personal and On-line. The cost is $30/members & $35/nonmembers. Sign up now.

Fashion Show Sign Up

By |August 26th, 2023|

On Monday, September 18 the new CWA year will begin. Our first luncheon will feature a Fashion Show by Chicos, modeled by our own members. Sign up by Noon on Thursday, Sept. 7. Sign up book is in the Activity Center Closet.

CWA Membership and Fashion Show

By |July 21st, 2023|

CWA Membership applications and the ability to reserve a table or individual seat for the Fashion Show Sept. 18, 2023 are now available in the Activity Center coat room counter. The cost for the fashion show are $40 members, $45 non-members.

CWA Hosting a Happy Hour July 17 Open to All Ladies

By |June 8th, 2023|

CWA is hosting a Summer Happy Hour open to all ladies on July 17 from 5 - 7 in the Pavilion. There is no charge for this event and you do not have to be a CWA member to attend. Wine, a non alcoholic beverage and appetizers will be provided. Be sure to RSVP in Sign-Up Book or email

Reminder – The Signup Deadline Is Near – CWA May Luncheon

By |May 1st, 2023|

The CWA Presents "Your Style with Julie" for our May Luncheon. It will be held on Monday, May 8th at 11:30 in the Event Center. A roast chicken and steelhead buffet. Cost is $32 for members and $37 for non-members. The sign up book is in the Activity Center Coatroom and the deadline is Thursday May 4th at noon. Drop your checks in the slot by the front door or give to the front desk.

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