CWA October Luncheon — Correction
The October luncheon will be held Monday, October 9 at 11:30 in the Clubhouse. The program theme is Security -- Personal and On-line. The cost is $32/members & $37/non-members. Sign up now.
By Bee Benesh|September 20th, 2023|
The October luncheon will be held Monday, October 9 at 11:30 in the Clubhouse. The program theme is Security -- Personal and On-line. The cost is $32/members & $37/non-members. Sign up now.
By Bee Benesh|September 19th, 2023|
The October luncheon will be held Monday, October 9 at 11:30 in the Clubhouse. The program theme is Security -- Personal and On-line. The cost is $30/members & $35/nonmembers. Sign up now.
By Bee Benesh|August 26th, 2023|
On Monday, September 18 the new CWA year will begin. Our first luncheon will feature a Fashion Show by Chicos, modeled by our own members. Sign up by Noon on Thursday, Sept. 7. Sign up book is in the Activity Center Closet.
By Bee Benesh|June 8th, 2023|
CWA is hosting a Summer Happy Hour open to all ladies on July 17 from 5 - 7 in the Pavilion. There is no charge for this event and you do not have to be a CWA member to attend. Wine, a non alcoholic beverage and appetizers will be provided. Be sure to RSVP in Sign-Up Book or email
By Bee Benesh|April 3rd, 2023|
Sign up by noon this Thursday April 6 for the luncheon next Monday, April 10. A buffet lunch will be served and there will be a spring planting program by Al's Garden Center.
By Bee Benesh|March 19th, 2023|
The next luncheon is Monday, April 10. A buffet lunch will be served and there will be a spring planting program by Al's Garden Center. Sign up now.
By Bee Benesh|February 7th, 2023|
CWA February Luncheon will be held February 13, 2023 at 11:30 AM. Sign up in the book in the Activity Center closet. Deadline is Noon on February 9th. Joann Linville will present "Wilsonville Now and the Future".
By Bee Benesh|February 4th, 2023|
The deadline for the sign-up for the CWA February 13th luncheon is Thursday at Noon. Don't miss out on a chance to enjoy good food, conversation and an informative program.
By Bee Benesh|January 2nd, 2023|
CWA January Luncheon will be held January 9 with Jennifer Burns, Director of the Aurora Colony Museum as our speaker. The RSVP deadline is noon on Thursday, January 5. Please plan to join us and sign up in the book in the Activity Center closet.
By Bee Benesh|December 21st, 2022|
CWA January Luncheon will be held January 9 with Jennifer Burns, Director of the Aurora Colony Museum as our speaker. The RSVP deadline is noon on Thursday, January 5. Please plan to join us and sign up in the book in the Activity Center closet.