The next luncheon will be held April 10 at 11:30 in the Event Center. A chicken teriyaki buffet lunch will be catered by Market Cafe. The cost is $32 for members and $37 for non-members. Since we are all “thinking spring” by now, we will enjoy a program by Al’s Garden Center of Wilsonville. Sign up in the CWA book in the Activity Center closet. Checks may be handed in at the AC desk or put in the slot by the doors. The deadline for reservations is Thursday, April 6 by noon.
Looking forward, the fashion show has been moved to our September luncheon due to the planned renovations of the Event Center. Put September 11 on your calendars now to be there when we kick off the 2023-24 year with this fun event! There will be a regular luncheon May 8, which will be the last of this club year.