Hi Everyone:
Cypress Branch of Boys & Girls Aid here in Charbonneau has invited us to join with them in a fun “COVID Vaccine Tracking Project”. The sooner we all get our vaccines the better? And the sooner we are back together again!!! The idea is to share the good news and anticipate together.
Thanks to Steph Pump for helping us track results for members from both groups, as you let her know. See the following to begin. You can email her directly with the great news or click the online link to send her an email. Both work, but just use one at a time, please. Steph is being a real sport about doing this for us so we don’t want to discourage her with duplicate emails. Ha ha.
Steph Pump email: Steph.Pump@comcast.net
Online method: https://cypressonline.org/ctp/
Take care all!
Lee Harker & Lynda Huber-Marshall
Co-Presidents, Charbonneau Women’s Association