The CWA sign-up book in the Activity Center closet disppeared sometime early this past week!  A substitute book was put in place Tuesday morning.  We had hoped that someone picked up the binder by mistake and would return it, but so far it is still missing.  We have to ask that if you signed up for the  November 4th Happy Hour before this past Tuesday, would you please sign up again.  The sign-up deadline is this coming Thursday, Oct. 31 at noon.  Even though there is no charge, we need to give the caterer an exact head count. It just involves making a stop in the closet and checking off that you would like to attend.  It is impossible to know who signed up earlier because there are no checks involved this month.

CWA is hosting a Happy Hour for members on Monday, November 4th from 4 – 6 pm in the Dining Room of the Clubhouse.  There is no charge for this event but you must be a CWA member to attend.  Happy Hour will be catered by Norton’s and will feature an assortment of appetizers.  There will be wine service and a non-alcoholic beverage.  Our theme is “Thanks for the Members”.  It is a way of recognizing the importance of our members and giviing them a little complementary treat.   This will be the only CWA event in November.  It is being held a week earlier than usual because Charbonneau facilities are closed the next week for Veterans’ Day.  There will be no program at this meeting.  Tables will be set up so you can easily enjoy your food, but we hope that everyone will move around a bit and enjoy each other’s company.

If you haven’t yet joined CWA this year, it is not too late.  Dues are $30 for the year and we will deduct the $5 additional charge if you have payed to attend the September or October luncheon as a guest.  There are membership forms in the front of the CWA book in the Activity Center Closet.  The completed form and check can be handed in at the desk or placed in the slot near the Activity Center doors.