Your CWA Board continues to meet virtually and more recently socially distanced in the Pavillion, to continue planning upcoming luncheon meetings for all members.  It has been a difficult call to stay virtual all these months past and we were truly hoping to welcome back everyone together once again in our clubhouse dining room.  We had planned a kick-off program with music by the Kansas City Rhythm Kings and a luncheon buffet, catered by Daltons.

However, in the past several days, many of our regular fall activities have cancelled or postponed to later next year because of the newer COVID threats to our health and well-being.  Those that will take place are doing what we are.  Giving it a chance, see how it goes, but with precautions in place.

RSVP For This Month’s “Welcome Back” Luncheon

Your CWA board voted yesterday to to go ahead with a modified “Welcome Back” on Monday, September 13th at 11:30 in the Pavillion.  There will not be entertainment or a speaker, but we will have the opportunity to gather together and socialize in the open air.  We will require social distancing, wearing a mask when not enjoying your lunch, and upfront we will require proof of vaccination.  Also, instead of a buffet, we opted for box luncheons with the regular beverages, including wine.  The price of the luncheon has been dropped to $20 for all.

Please RSVP online or in the sign-up book in the CCC coatroom by NOON on Sept 9th and drop your check into the locked box there.


Annual Membership

You also may signup online or download from the website or pick up a print version in the CCC coatroom to renew or sign up anew for CWA membership.  Dues are $25, allocated to speaker fees and operating costs.  As you know CWA also makes an annual donation to the community at large.   Here is a direct link to the “Join CWA” page on our website.


Future Meetings

The situation with COVID-19 and the break throughs even to those vaccinated and in our own community is a sobering reality.  With precautions in place, we are meeting “in person” this month to see how that goes, but we will need to assess ahead of each month’s luncheon, whether we continue to formally meet live or how else to share together.

We always welcome your feedback so please feel free to reply to this email or to any of our board members with your thoughts.

With our best to all.  Please stay safe.

CWA Board of Directors