We are signing up now for our Monday, April 11, 2022 luncheon.
“It’s Party Time” will be our caterer and they will be serving — marinated pork tenderloin, fresh green salad, mashed potatoes, a vegetable, rolls & butter, and dessert. The price of the luncheon will be $30 for members and $35 for guests.
As previously stated, proof of vaccination or negative COVID test within 72 hours is required to attend, because members made reservations with this in mind.
Please sign-up in the CCC coatroom by NOON on Thursday April 7th and drop your check into the locked box there. All attendees must purchase a lunch.
About our speaker
We are excited that our speaker will be Elaine Owen, owner of Lady Hill Winery. She will share their amazing story.
Lady Hill will also be selling bottles of the served wine so bring cash or your check book if you wish to purchase.
Annual Fashion Show Luncheon Monday May 9th @ 11 am
Reservations for the Annual Fashion show are also now being made. Members have preference until April 20th. Member cost is $35. Tables of 8 can be reserved by Table Captains with full payment of $280. Until April 20th this option is for members only with a completed registration form, submitting the names of all members at the table.
If we are not sold out on April 20th guests can make reservations. Cost for guests is $40.
All reservations must be made no later than noon on Tues. May 3rd.
Vaccines or COVID test will not be required for this event unless COVID causes the CDC and/or CC to make new rulings.
Dalton’s will be our caterer. Fashions will be by Chico’s, Lake Oswego.
We always welcome your feedback so please feel free to reply to this email or to any of our board members with your thoughts.
With our best to all. Please stay safe.