Hello CWA:

Here is the current slate of officers and committee chairs for 2021-2022 selected by the CWA Nominating Committee with input from the current board. As you can see, we still have one slot to fill in the upcoming year, with the current board members in that position very willing to mentor and help their replacement.


President: Lynda Huber-Marshall

2022-23 President: Lindy Anderson

Past-President: Lee Harker

CO-VP (Programs): Arlene Kraft, Jackie Murdoch, and Sandy Shaner

Secretary: Claudia DeVries

Treasurer: Lindy Anderson

2022-2023 Treasurer: Pat Tewell


Decorations: Kathy Fuller and Darlene Crosby

Membership: Cathy Renken and Paula Johnson

Publicity, Historian, and Communications: Elaine Swyt and Lindy Anderson

Sunshine and Wine: Laura Curran


Thank you all,

Lee Harker and Lynda Huber Marshall
Co-Presidents, Charbonneau Women’s Association